Rpi Badminton Club, Troy NY
Below is the information for RPI Badminton Club.
Club Name: RPI Badminton Club
Website: http://badminton.union.rpi.edu/
Contact Name: Tianbo(Raye) Xie
Contact Email: xiet4@rpi.edu
Contact Phone:
Details: RPI Badminton club was established in early 1990s. As an RPI Union funded club, it has been serving badminton community in and around RPI for 20 years. RPI Badminton Club provides both competitive and non-competitive environment for RPI students and Non-RPI members from the community to learn and practice badminton. We currently have over 50 RPI students and 20 non-RPI members of all skill levels, from beginners to champion of Collegiate Competitive tournaments. We organize a 3-hour practice three times a week. We hold RPI Open Badminton Tournament once a year and the recent one attracted 20 RPI students and over 30 Non-RPI players to participate. Normally, we have two outside-RPI tournaments per year in Rochester and New Jersey to let our players gain more experiences from competitive games.
Venue: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, '87 Gym - Sage Ave, Troy NY 12180
Fees: Annual Membership Fees: RPI Student 30USD/yr; RPI Staff and Faculty 40USD/yr; non-RPI Member 70USD/yr
Courts Available:
Contact Name 2: Zezhao Zhang
Contact Email 2: zhangz16@rpi.edu
Contact Phone 2:
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