Ohio State University Buckeye Badminton Club, Columbus OH
Below is the information for Ohio State University Buckeye Badminton Club.
Club Name: Ohio State University Buckeye Badminton Club
Website: http://osubadminton.org.ohio-state.edu/
Contact Name: Khai Jier Yao
Contact Email: yap.21@osu.edu
Contact Phone:
Details: We are a group of badminton players from the Ohio State University and the neighboring areas. Our purpose is to promote the sport of Badminton in the university and get together to enjoy and play the amazing sport of Badminton. We have regular practice sessions at the North Gym of the Recreation & Physical Activity Center located at the Ohio State University Campus. We also actively compete in tournaments in the Midwest region. We offer two kinds of membership - regular and honorary. All OSU students, staff and faculty are eligible to be regular members. Those who are not affiliated to OSU but show a keen interest in the club activities can get honorary membership.
Venue: RPAC North Gym - 337 W. 17th Ave, Columbus OH 43210
Schedule: Tues, Thurs: 5:00pm - 11:00pm; Sun: 1:00pm - 6:00pm
Courts Available:
Contact Name 2: Jian Chua
Contact Email 2: chua.25@osu.edu
Contact Phone 2:
If you don't see you club here, please email us your information and we will update our
Comment from KennyB.: I would like an honorary membership. I’m an intermediate player, love this game. Interested in leagues, tournaments, competitive and casual play. Please let me know of any fees, and club rules. Thank you so much, Ken
Comment from Jalaluddin Akbar: I am 70 yrs old Male I used to play badminton till 10 yrs ago I have a green card and go often to Columbus where my son is us green card holder, working What is honorary membership fee and eligibility and weekly charges. R there daily charges
Comment from PHANI RAJA MUDDANA: Looking for badminton club to play. I am good at play not not pro level. let me know the process. Thank you
Comment from PHANI RAJA MUDDANA: Looking for badminton club to play. I am good at play not not pro level. let me know the process. Thank you
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Question by Leonard (6 months ago): Are your courts open to the public to play badminton? what are your hours and where are you located? what is the cost per hour? Len Sabatini chillicothe ohio 740-600-0845 cell/text
Question by User (6 months ago): I am a beginner badminton player and would like to train. How do I go about doing that? Thank you!
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