Ksu Badminton Club, Manhattan KS
Below is the information for KSU Badminton Club.
Club Name: KSU Badminton Club
Website: http://www.k-state.edu/ksubadminton/
Contact Name: Jing Han
Contact Email: jing@ksu.edu
Contact Phone:
Details: KSU Badminton Club was established in April 2008 by a group of folks who played the game on regular base. During these years, the club officers and members had continuously enforced the promise from the club constitution; therefore our club today, is growing in population and building its reputation, as well as increasing in diversity. We are proud to be a sport club which is composed mostly by internationals. We hope you will enjoy the game and the people here! KSU Badminton Club is a member of USA Badminton
Venue: K-State E.Peters Rec Complex - 1831 Olympic Drive, Manhattan KS 66506
Schedule: Wed: 7:00pm - 10:00pm; Fri: 7:00pm - 10:00pm; Sun: 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Courts Available:
Contact Name 2: Bo Tong
Contact Email 2: lastong@ksu.edu
Contact Phone 2:
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