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Haverford Badminton Club, Haverford PA

Below is the information for Haverford Badminton Club.
Club Name: Haverford Badminton Club
Website: http://ww3.haverford.edu/generated/organizations/badminton.html
Contact Name: Dhario DeSousa
Contact Email: ddesousa@haverford.edu
Contact Phone:
Details: We represent Haverford at collegiate and open tournaments in Region 1 (the Northeast) of the United States. Our team is made up of players of all skill levels and we actively encourage beginners to join the team. We offer a way for students to take a break from their pressing academic schedules and engage in a new activity while meeting others who are interested in sports at a non-varsity level. We hold practices Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 8-10 p.m. on court 3 in the GIAC (keep walking past the main basketball court, look behind the curtain). We provide equipment for all who are interested.

Venue: GIAC - Haverford College, Haverford PA 19041
Schedule: Mon, Tues, Thurs: 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Courts Available:
Contact Name 2: Hannah Baker
Contact Email 2: hbaker@haverford.edu
Contact Phone 2:
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