Loch Raven Badminton Club, Parkville MD
Below is the information for Loch Raven Badminton Club.
Club Name: Loch Raven Badminton Club
Website: http://marylandbadminton.net/
Contact Name: Jeff Miller
Contact Email: lochravenbaltimore@gmail.com
Contact Phone: (410) 343-0117
Details: Indoor Badminton is a sport requiring stamina, fitness and desire. It is a fast, dynamic, challenging sport excellent for toning muscles or burning off those extra calories. It is also a sport that can be played at your own pace for your exercise and enjoyment. Our playing facility provides 12 full size courts with change rooms. Currently the club has 170 adult members and 80 junior members. We offer play and coaching for juniors (age 6 to 18), adults and seniors, beginners to advanced and competitive levels. A racket stringing service is also available. Drop in at the club on any of our play nights to "check" us out.
Venue: Northeast Regional Recreation Center - 7501 Oakleigh Rd, Parkville MD 21234
Schedule: Tues, Thurs: 8:00pm - 11:00pm; Fri: 6:30pm - 9:30pm; Sat: 8:00am - 12:30pm; Sun: 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Fees: Annual Membership: $100 adults, $50 Juniors (Under 19 years). ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST be club members and have filled out the online registration form. Guest Policy: 1 Visit - $12.00, 4 Visits - $20.00.
Courts Available: 12
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